Greetings from Salama! New and exciting things are happening here in Kenya, and we are so excited to share about them!

First of all, our new girls dorm is completed! The outside construction is done, and all we are working on now is completing the bunk beds. Also, thanks to a team from First Baptist we now have foam mattresses for all of the girl's beds. They are so excited to be able to have their own beds!

Secondly, we have raised enough money to break ground on the boy's dorm. We do not have all the money needed to complete the dorm yet, but we are confident that God will provide. 

There is still more exciting news, though! Salama Orphanage is growing day-by-day, and week-by-week. Since August we have grown from caring for 40 orphans to almost 70, as of this week. Yes, that is a huge change and we have many more mouths to feed, but we know God is faithful and trust Him to provide for all of our needs. We are growing every day, and yet our needs continue to be met.

We are so blessed by the support we are receiving through donations, and the number of young people interested in giving their time to serve here in Kenya. What a blessing to witness people of every nation and people group come together for one purpose, to provide for those who are the most innocent. 

Thank you all for your support, thanks to you we are now able to provide food, clothing and shelter for 70 children (and we're still growing)!

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." --John 14:18


    Devin Amanns has seen several sides of the operations of the SBO.  Having seen both the operations in Salama and in the Knoxville, TN satellite office, Devin knows the SBO project inside and out.


    April 2013

